Marketing Meg Young Marketing Meg Young

4 Reasons Your Marketing Isn’t Working

If your private practice isn’t getting a lot of traction yet, you are not a failure and you can build the business and life you’re looking forward to. You went to school to become a therapist, you did not go to business school. A few tweaks is all your marketing may need.

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Marketing Meg Young Marketing Meg Young

FEAR: Face Everything And Rise

October, if you weren’t aware, is National face your fears month. Fear: f** everything and run, or, face everything and rise. Your choice. Our thoughts are powerful. Choose the ones you want to hold onto wisely. Delete self doubt. You don’t need it. Practice what you teach your clients. Take control of your happiness.

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Marketing Meg Young Marketing Meg Young

Grow Your Business By Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Going out of your comfort zone is, well, uncomfortable. Doing what it takes to build a business despite anxiety and imposter syndrome is challenging. Growth frequently comes with challenges. Imposter syndrome, feeling like you don't deserve the success, feeling like you got here by luck or circumstance and not your own work can hold you back, but are within you and within your control to change. Lean into these challenges.

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Marketing Meg Young Marketing Meg Young

Don’t Let Imposter Syndrome Or Anxiety Stop You

What do you want your life to be like a year from now? 5 years? 10 years? What will your reward will be in these timeframes when you open your private practice? Find the silver lining, remember the problem you solve and why you're doing this. Then take a deep breath and go for it. Certain parts of it may come across awkward at first. That's fine. You’re learning. We don’t get good at something until we practice it over and over..

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Marketing Meg Young Marketing Meg Young

Habits Aren’t Fun

If you’re hoping that by sticking with habits, like marketing or self-care long enough, your new habits will become “fun”, it is time to adjust your expectations. Habits are not stored in the emotion part of the brain. They are not going to be “fun”. The experiences with the habits can be fun or boring or really difficult, but the habits themselves are just habits and won’t be fun. Therefore, it helps to make the experience fun each and every time.

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Marketing Meg Young Marketing Meg Young

Consistency, Not Perfection

Marketing your private practice or small business is about getting in front of your target audience frequently. It is not about perfection. You will get better with practice. There is such thing as too much practice. Hone it in and get your clients through consistency, not perfection.

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Marketing Meg Young Marketing Meg Young

Successful Marketing Despite Imposter Syndrome or Anxiety

Marketing your private practice or business can lead to a ton of fears such as not feeling good enough, feeling like a fraud, and being afraid of rejection. Imposter syndrome popped up for me several times throughout my journey and it very well could again. I understand where you are and at least in part how you feel. Right now marketing your private practice or business is not habitual for you. In order for something to feel easy, it has to be an action done without thinking about it (ie a habit). Make marketing your private practice or business a habit and the imposter syndrome will go away.

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Marketing Meg Young Marketing Meg Young

An Introvert’s Guide to Marketing

Marketing your private practice can be very scary as an introverted therapist. It took me a long time to enjoy marketing myself, but when you find the ways that work best for you, it becomes that much easier. And when you practice, it becomes that much easier. Until one day it is just part of your routine to market your private practice.

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