Consistency, Not Perfection

What does it mean to market your business? Marketing your private practice or small business means figuring out what your target audience is looking for and talking directly to them. As the saying goes, if you’re talking to everyone, you’re talking to no one. Marketing means providing your specific audience with the hope that your product will give them what they want. Marketing is logically hitting the emotional side of your target audience. It is an art that can always be honed and “perfected”.

Does this mean your marketing efforts need to be perfect before you put them out there so you make sure you're saying exactly what you want, how you want, to your audience, even if it sacrifices consistency? Or can it be imperfect and consistent?

Your audience, both online and in person is very distracted today. There's always a lot vying for their attention at the same time. To get people to buy your product, you have to be in front of them enough that they remember you and/or be in front of them at the right time. The secret to marketing is consistency over perfection.

Marketing is an art, yes, and it can always be made better. Put your stuff out there, see how it does, and hone it in; fix it; perfect it. But don’t wait until it is perfect to put it out there.

Everyday people who aren't as good as you are getting your business because they're not looking for perfection. I frequently hear stories like “business X isn’t nearly as good as my business but they’re taking all my business”. Why is this? Because they’re out there frequently. They consistently get in front of their target audience. They don’t wait until their marketing material is perfect. Just take action on marketing your private practice or small business everyday.

If perfectionism, fear of rejection, being introverted, fear of failure, or some other unhelpful thought is standing in your way, it may be time to hire a coach to help you work through your fears and insecurities so you can market your private practice or small business daily, without looking for perfection.

Own your niche. I'm sure you do great work. Why let someone else who's not as good as you get all the business? As an introverted, licensed therapist and a coach, I understand the fears of marketing. Take your fears by the reins. You're in control!

Are you ready to learn how and start making marketing habitual? Schedule your clarity call with me! If you still need to a bit more time, take a look around my site.


Habits Aren’t Fun


Successful Marketing Despite Imposter Syndrome or Anxiety