Your Business Is Meant to Give You Freedom, Not Tie You Down

Overcome Imposter Syndrome, Build Your Successful Practice, and Live a Life of Freedom!

Are you starting a new business and worried that you won’t be successful?

Do you wish networking wasn’t so tedious and stressful?

Has the fear of rejection and embarrassment made it hard to market yourself?

Maybe self-promotion makes you uncomfortable. You feel like a sleazy salesperson every time you ask for business. Or perhaps you’re introverted and marketing just doesn’t come naturally to you. You get cold feet asking for referrals.

You Want To Work In Your Business, Not Spend All Your Time Marketing

After all, maybe you didn’t go to school to become a business entrepreneur. No one taught you the ins and outs of starting a business. As a result, you probably find yourself thinking: If only networking wasn’t so hard; if only I could just have people refer to me without having to put my name out there; if only I could just focus on the fun stuff inside my business instead of self-promotion.

Here at Lifestyle Reboot, I get it—marketing your business is a stressful, arduous task. That’s why I specialize in helping aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs learn to manage the fear of the unknowns. I’m confident that you can overcome your anxiety around marketing!

About Meg

As a coach, it is important to practice and believe in what you teach. By living the values and practicing the techniques that I teach every one of my coaching clients, I am staying aligned with myself.

Ocean waves show the peace of having a life that is aligned with your energy and desires

The Idea Of Self-Promotion Is Anathema To Many Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Some of it comes down to our schooling—we didn’t take many courses on running a business. Some career paths teach students to focus on other people’s needs. No matter the reason, promoting yourself may run contrary to your beliefs. It feels icky, shameful, and unsettling to ask for business. We fear that we’ll come across like a sleazy salesperson.

And on another level, self-promotion may not be part of your temperament. As introverts who prefer quiet spaces, one-on-one interactions, and deep conversations, marketing requires us to act like something we’re not. The thought of striking up conversations with people we don’t know is uncomfortable.

What’s more, many entrepreneurs don’t have someone to guide them through this time. Through my coaching program at Lifestyle Reboot, you have the chance to work with a seasoned therapist and coach who knows what it’s like to start from scratch when you’re starting a new business - even while working full time elsewhere.

Coaching Can Help You Manage The Stress Of Marketing Your Business

Imagine a day when you’re excited about marketing your business. Imagine how relieving it would be to stop worrying about making referrals, having enough money, and growing your business.

If this is the kind of future you envision for yourself, I would be honored to work with you. Coaching with Lifestyle Reboot can help you learn to take action despite your fear and find new ways to leverage your confidence. We’ll come up with a plan for marketing your business and managing your anxiety and imposter syndrome in the meantime.

What To Expect In Coaching Sessions

The coaching program is an eight-week journey. We’ll meet twice a week for 90-minute sessions to work on your self-doubts, imposter syndrome, and fear of marketing yourself. You may have tried this through Tik Tok or other (hopefully more reputable) self help modalities but it hasn’t been enough. Enter coaching.

Together, we will explore strategies for easing your fears and marketing your business authentically. You’ll learn that it’s okay to feel anxious and live in survival mode. By working with the survival brain instead of fighting against it, you can learn to accept that marketing yourself is stressful and show kindness to yourself when progress feels slow.

No matter how stuck you feel at the moment, I believe that you can turn your self-doubts into self-confidence. As a therapist, I have been exactly where you are. I spent years networking before finding confidence and success. I know about the stress of marketing a business and created this program for business owners like you.

You May Have Some Questions And Concerns About Our Coaching Program…

Do I have to market in person?

No, you don’t. If your business is online, we can talk about how online networking is going. After all, many of the fears of networking online and offline are the same—fear of appearing greedy, fear of being seen as desperate, fear of putting yourself out there and asking for referrals. Whether you’re marketing your business on the internet or in person, I’m confident that we can find something that works for you.

I’m worried that I won’t be able to afford coaching.

Right now money is tight for you. But once you overcome your fear of putting yourself out there, making money generally becomes easier. So in the long run, coaching can actually benefit your ability to make money.

What’s more, sometimes finances are not the real issue. Although it’s tempting to think that all your stress would go away if you had more money, sometimes there are deeper emotional challenges to work through before focusing on your income.

What if I always have some anxiety marketing?

It’s okay if you do. We’re not going to try and eliminate all your anxiety. But we can retrain your brain to see networking and marketing as non-threatening. It’s like when you first learned to drive or ride a bike. You did it even though it made you anxious, and eventually the fear lessened. As a result, you felt accomplished and independent. Even though driving or biking could still make you anxious, the sense of accomplishment and independence is now stronger than the anxiety. In the same way, marketing can become less stressful with the right amount of practice.

Networking Doesn’t Have To Feel So Scary

Together, we can work on marketing your business in a way that’s authentic to you. To get started, you can use the contact form to schedule a 15-minute clarity call to determine if I can help you reach your goals!

Woman with her arms up feeling excited and proud as she has met her goal of entrepreneurship

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