Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Lifestyle Reboot?

    Lifestyle reboot came about because I loved what I did as a Social Worker, but grew into something more based on my experiences. Lifestyle Reboot is about recognizing how the experiences we have may lead to changes such as anxiety, but we don’t have to surrender to these feelings.

  • What do you offer?

    I offer two programs. Both are 8 week coaching programs. One is designed to help small business owners overcome anxiety and the other helps small business owners, especially therapists in private practice learn to effectively market their practice and work within their personality while not letting fear of judgement get in their way.

  • Do you offer free consultations?

    Yes, but I call them free “clarity calls” in which we will determine whether this program is a good fit for you. It’s a short, 15 minute call to discuss if and how I can help you. You can schedule that here.

  • Can I work with you one on one?


  • What is the price of your program?

    I have found that putting the price on my website is unhelpful. People ask me anyway. The best thing I have found is to start with a clarity call to determine if and how I can help you. If this program isn’t for you, what difference does it make how much it costs? If the program is a good fit, we’ll jump on a deep dive call. During that call, we’ll dig deeper into what needs to change and how the program can get you there. We’ll also discuss price and how to get started at that time.