Anxiety Meg Young Anxiety Meg Young

Consistency and Staying in the Moment

Consistency is easier when you are staying in the moment. Staying in the moment is easier when you are consistent (it becomes habitual). But neither are easy at first. But both were vital to all the successes I have ever had.

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Anxiety Meg Young Anxiety Meg Young


Changing habits is hard. Motivation is there when you don’t have to take action yet, but not there when it’s time to take action. How do you figure out how to take action and stay consistent with new habits?

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Anxiety, Marketing Meg Young Anxiety, Marketing Meg Young

Be Utterly Determined to be Successful

To be successful at building your private practice, you must go out of your comfort zone. You have to wake up every morning with determination that it will succeed. You need to look at just the step in front of you and not the entire staircase. Push aside the anxiety and fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of rejection. Put in the hard work and go to bed with satisfaction.

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