True Abundance Free From Anxiety and Worry

Abundance comes in many forms. However, one thing that makes abundance difficult to fully achieve is our anxiety. Whether we're looking for financial abundance, spiritual abundance, physical abundance, love, or any other form of abundance, overthinking and worrying can make it feel like we'll never achieve the abundance we want. It'll never feel like it’s enough.

Bringing abundance into your life isn't too difficult. It takes mental dedication in the form of not giving up, patience, action, and belief that it can be achieved.

Maintaining abundance, similarly, takes mental dedication in the form of gratitude, action and belief in yourself. There is no room for anxiety, overthinking, worrying when it comes to maintaining abundance.

Overthinking and worrying are the opposite of abundance. You cannot have both at the same time. When you worry about the abundance you have, it makes it easier to lose that abundance. The harder you try to hold onto it, the easier it is to get away.

Let’s look at monetary abundance. What is your money story? What were you taught by your parents, friends, society about money, what money means, what it symbolizes, how it’s gotten?

If you grew up with a money story that it takes a lifetime of hard work to achieve financial freedom and nothing short of hustling every day will make this happen, when will you actually feel financially free? Even if you have billions of dollars your money story will tell you it’s not enough or question what if you lose it all? It’ll tell you to keep working hard - you got where you are because of what you’re doing; don’t slow down.

As you are working on decreasing your anxiety and cultivating the life you desire, it is vital to believe you are already where you want to be. To see yourself there. What are you doing in your free time? What does your house look like? Where are you living?

The survival brain doesn't know this isn't now. By doing this, you're turning off the anxiety and worry, thus setting yourself up for being there. Turning off the overthinking and worry is relatively simple but not easy and not quick.

Invite gratitude for what you do have into your life every day. The secret, however, is to FEEL the gratitude; not just SAY the gratitude. To FEEL what it’s like to have it already; not just SAY it to yourself. If you don’t feel it, it doesn’t get passed the logic brain and thus keeps you stuck in the cycle of worry and anxiety instead of abundance and freedom.

The brain/body connection is very well documented. When you look at the people who are ACTUALLY abundant in their lives, what do they hold onto and what do they let go of? How do they live their lives? Don’t look at people that are just “rich” or just “go to Church”. What people DO doesn’t prove that they actually feel abundant in that area of their lives. Look at people who FEEL abundant. Aspire to be like them.

When you're ready to invite abundance and freedom from anxiety into your life, I invite you to take the next step by learning about my 8-week program on overcoming anxiety, but if you are ready to jump in and start living that lifestyle free from the chains of anxiety and worry, contact me for a free clarity call to see if my program is the right one to help you on your journey.


Does Slow and Steady Really Conquer Anxiety?


3 Tips to Living a Life of Freedom from the Chains of Anxiety