From Anxious to Authority: The Entrepreneur's Mindset Shift

Image of a beach with the words: From anxious to authority: the entrepreneur's Mindset Shift. Contact me Today. Decide. Commit. Focus. Succeed.

Entrepreneurs, let’s talk about that feeling. The knot in your stomach, the endless “what ifs,” the voice whispering, “Are you sure you can do this?”

Here’s the truth: anxiety doesn’t have to define you. You can transform from an entrepreneur riddled with doubts into a confident authority in your industry.

Here’s the Mindset Shift You Need:

Awareness: First, acknowledge your anxiety. Don’t judge it, just recognize it. Understanding its source is half the battle.

Reframe Your Narrative: Instead of “I’m not good enough,” tell yourself “I am capable and constantly learning.” Focus on your strengths and celebrate your progress, no matter how small.

Knowledge is Power: Educate yourself about your industry, your target market, and your competition. The more you know, the less room there is for fear. Confidence comes from competence.

Focus on Solutions: Anxiety loves to dwell on problems. Instead, train your brain to seek solutions. What can you do to overcome challenges and achieve your goals?

Take Action, Even When Scared: Sometimes, the best way to conquer anxiety is to simply do it. Don’t wait until you feel 100% ready. Progress over perfection!

We’ve all been there. I started my career as Social Worker. I knew I would work for child protective services when I graduated. That was my goal. Although I achieved this, it wasn’t where I was supposed to be with my career.

I never thought I’d end up a counselor because I can’t sit still for an hour, much less several hours. But one day I decided to give it a try with only a couple of people. Long story short, it was absolutely amazing. I let go of my agency job and started working only for my private practice.

This wasn’t without it’s difficulties in imposter syndrome and anxiety. I lost income before gaining it. I didn’t know how to be a business owner until I did. I made a ton of mistakes at the beginning. Even now I’m still learning. I eventually made the switch from being on insurance panels to not being on them in order to actually focus on my clients and not be constrained by insurance demands or non-payment because I didn’t click a box correctly.

Anxiety and imposter syndrome wanted to creep up. I acknowledged them but didn’t allow them any space. There’s no room in my brain for that when I’m building my livelihood.

Then I branched into coaching and included trauma informed yoga. Whoa did this throw up alarm bells in my head! But, again, there’s no room for those alarm bells. Even though I didn’t think I knew what I was doing, and I don’t have a “coaching certificate”, I am MORE than qualified as a licensed Social Worker. I built one business, this is no different.

Today I have two amazing businesses and love every minute of what I do. I am able to help other people build their dream life. How much better can “work” be?

So, the question is, are you ready to make the shift from anxious to authority? Is it time to turn your anxieties into actionable steps and build the confidence you deserve?

Schedule your clarity call with me to learn how to overcome the anxiety and lack of motivation keeping you back from having more success with your goals and in life! If you still need to a bit more time, take a look around my site.


Conquer Imposter Syndrome and Thrive In Your Business!