Be Utterly Determined to be Successful

Being that anxiety is part of our survival system, to overcome the unnecessary anxiety and live the life we’re craving means we have to put in the work.

Bringing anxiety into a manageable level means getting up every day and putting in the hours of work necessary using techniques targeting the logic brain, the emotion brain and the body. To truly get anxiety under control, this has to be done consistently, daily, for longer than you want.

If you’re working on building your private practice, you know just how exciting and terrifying this journey can be. Anxiety, fears of the unknown, fears of failure, fears of rejection can all easily get the best of you.

The rewards are worth it. The peace you'll feel, the control you'll have over your thoughts and emotions, the relaxation in your body, no more overthinking, no more excessive worry, the ability to sleep, the ability to focus and concentrate. It is all possible. If you wake up each morning with the determination to make it so and release the need for the outcome to happen on your terms and in your time.

It is important to remember not to focus on all the steps at once as this can easily cause overwhelm and fear of failure. There will be so many options at each turn, it is impossible to look at the whole staircase. Take a breath. You don't have to try and predict three steps ahead. Stay focused only on the step ahead of you. Take that first step.

It is often the hardest. Once you start putting yourself out there, marketing and looking for collaborative relationships, the easier it is to keep doing it. As an introverted therapist in private practice myself as well as a coach now, I know how hard it is to market yourself. It's easy to put yourself on directories, but not making cold calls to introduce yourself.

The satisfaction of having control over your schedule, your income, your day means you have to wake up every morning with the determination to do what you have to do to make your practice successful.

Are you ready to begin the journey? Schedule your clarity call with me! If you still need to a bit more time, take a look around my site.


“Expectation is the Mother of All Frustration”


Does Slow and Steady Really Conquer Anxiety?